Thursday, 21 March 2013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

'4 Hussies.  4 Seasons.  1 Popular Page Turner'

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....  For the first time ever, the hussies returned to the same restaurant two meetings in a row.  This unprecedented event enabled the absent hussie from last month to savour the Four Seasons Dish enjoyed by the other hussies at the previous visit.  We recommend it to our readers as one of the best value dishes on the menu (£13 - rice or noodles is extra).

....    As ever, the service was efficient, the food tasty and well presented.  We arrived at 7.15pm and the place was already busy -  unusually so for a Tuesday evening during the recession.  This Chinese restaurant is extremely popular so you will need to book.  The bendy forks are worth sampling but, it may be as well to pack an extra layer as this restaurant is more airy than cosy.  We were never rushed despite being the last to leave. 

.....  For once, there were NO COMPLAINTS about the choice of book.  Gone girl was a HIT. A definite  page turner.  There was a combined sense of anti-climactic frustration at the probably inevitable ending.   The changing characterisation was impressively effective although on close analysis we did think the characters were implausible. It was extremely well plotted and a refreshing change from some of the heavy literary fiction we occasionally review.  After the hard work involved in reading The Accidental, we all found ourselves totally immersed in the story whilst racing to the end.   It was only on reflection we began to see some holes.

So read it and enjoy it but don't spend too long reflecting on it or dissecting it!! 

....   Next month we are reviewing our first ever cook book: Mary Berry At Home! We are all committed to preparing and sharing our culinary creations when we meet next time.  As a taste of things to come,  why don't you join in  - maybe, give the almond and apricot tart a go?


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                                                                                                                                       12 March 2013

Friday, 1 March 2013

The Accidental by Ali Smith

'1 Book, 2 Courses, 3 Hussies'

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What? only 1 Hussy read the whole book ???

....  This month the book group met in +Artisam, a small Chinese restaurant centrally located in the busy village of +Corbridge.  Our number depleted by circumstances beyond our control, we enjoyed a well chosen two course meal. We ordered a starter followed by a main course called 'four seasons' which was like having your own mini banquet!  Generous tasty portions, although quite expensive at £25 a head ( no wine this time!). The service was, on the whole, good. We didn't complain when the waiter forgot the soup, ignored a request for water and prematurely turned the heating off! After all we were enjoying ourselves! 


....  Only of the group actually read  +Ali Smith's  'The Accidental' to the end, although one read all but the last chapter. The other two bailed out in the early stages, so  discussions were slighty limited. The book introduces us to a family on holiday in Norfolk who find a stranger in their midst. Smith's depiction of the Smarts caused some discussion on what constitutes a 'normal family'.  Were the Smarts normal or dysfunctional? The teenage children were struggling with the effects of bullying, one, Astrid, having been bullied, the other, Magnus (previously perfect) having become a bully, with dire consequences. Their mother Eve is a writer with writers block who seems disconnected from the world around her. She is aware of her husband Michaels' repeated infidelities but doesn't seem to care. Michael is the children's stepfather and is portrayed as a sexaholic. Amber a mysterious stranger appears at their holiday cottage and doesn't leave. The whole family fall under her spell, never questioning why she is there. Its an interesting read although not a page turner. Smiths later work +'There But For The..' is very good and covers a similar theme of an uninvited guest. 'The Accidental' leaves the reader wondering what happened? might be worth re- reading as it is multi-layered. Readers of a certain age will relate to Smith's lists of music, movies and world events.

....  Our next book is a crime thriller from America
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Join us next time for reviews of this 'said to be' Outstanding Thriller!
                                                                                                                                        February 2013