A tale of two centuries, two for one, buy one get one free. Whichever way you look at it, Ali Smith has done something quite unique, one novel with two loosely connecting stories. Some editions start with the contemporary take, others with the historical story. Whichever one you read first colours your view and enjoyment of the second and having read it you can never unread it thus making it impossible to judge with an open mind which is better. The central question throughout both stories is ' which came first..' As in 'the chicken or the egg' Smith poses this question in many different ways, not least by deliberately alternating the order of the stories in different volumes. If a canvas has been used twice which picture comes first ? The picture we see first or the picture that was painted first? Conundrums like this reoccur throughout both stories taking the reader on a philosophical journey that jumps back and forward through time. Clearly a book trying very hard to be clever but almost too hard. Rather like the Emperors new clothes the reader feels honour bound to rejoice in the multi layered themes and ideas of this literary masterpiece but is it all just a rambling stream of consciousness. At its heart the age old problem of love and loss mirrored in two intertwining stories that crisscross through time and space.
We returned to an old haunt for this months discussion, Vercellis Italian in Hexham. Not much to add, as good as ever, cheerful service food good bill not overthe top.
Our next book is a step into un known territory....'Not Forgetting the Whale' by John Ironmonger.